Instructions to play snake game:

SnakeWorld is a fun and very easy game to play. It does not require a tutorial system for new players
because the game is simple to learn. All you have to do is follow the following tips and tricks:

1.The directional buttons allow you to move your snake to the left, right, up, and down.
2.You may also position the snake to direct the snake towards food on the path.
3.You may use the snake’s head like a spring to keep track of its position.
4.This is accomplished by raising your snake’s body and utilizing its head like a spring.
5.Because it doesn’t last long, the timing must be perfect.
6.The snake can grow in length and width. All you have to do is push to
consumeas many food tiles as possible. Just keep in mind that is you raise
the size of your snake, it will travel slower.

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